Sunday, April 29, 2007

An evening of great company, food and laughter

I spent my late afternoon and evening with my friends, BB, Agatha and Agatha's son, Tin Hang. We first went to the supermarket to get some food for our dinner steamboat before heading to Agatha's place.

Tin Hang entertained us at times with his cute dance moves when Nat King Cole was singing or the CD on some classic Cuban music was playing. He would shuffle his feet, do tap dance, clap his hands and spin. I find it very funny that Tin Hang loves to spin and many spins he did till he looked giddy. I laughed so much :)
Our steamboat dinner was yummy. Agatha made a dip of one egg, chill and chilli oil and soya saurce. I made one myself too and all the stuff dipped in it tasted super great. It was a satisfying meal and the 2 boys, Tin Hang and BB really stuffed themselves. Tin Hang had a super big tummy after dinner.

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