Saturday, March 24, 2007

The joy of friendship

On Wed and Thurs, I met 2 different groups of friends for dinner after work. One was with 2 friends whom I have known less than a year - they have helped to man Cat Welfare Society's booth at animal events. Another is my dear friend of more than 5 years, Joan.

I always feel happy to meet my friends to catch up. We could have not met one another/each other for the few months and still have so much to talk about and enjoy the company. That is the beauty of friendship. We are connected to each other through the sharing of common experiences and our efforts to sustain this connection/bond by keeping in touch and wanting to find out how we are doing.

All of us are busy with work, other commitments and have only this much time to spend with family, friends and even ourselves. I am glad every time my friends and I can find some time, be it a few hours or half a day, to just hang out together. And it's from such meet ups that the friendship can grow because we will learn something new about our friends or find something in common that we can do together or it can just to reinforce the fact that we are here for one another, a phone call away in the little island of Singapore :)

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