Sunday, April 10, 2011

Take away container

On Fri, when I brought this cute stainless stain container to hold my take away from the vegetarian stall in the office canteen, the stall owners commented that the container is useful. A lady who walked past me asked me where I got it from. My parents bought it from OG at around $14. It was supposed to keep my dinner warm since they eat at 6am and I usually reach home after 7pm.

Indeed it is useful and I feel good not to have my takeaway in styrofoam container since I will be having lunch in the office once a week. I have a pretty lunch box, a gift from SP - that will be handy when I pack sandwich from home :)

金曜日にりょうしんがかったべんとうばこから昼ごはんをたべました。うちからかいしゃまでサンドイッチをもっていくとき、ともだちがあげたべんとうばこ をつかいます。それではっぽうスチロールとビニール袋をあまりつかいません。 


Flying raisin said...

I like the wooden handle :)
U're writting in Japanese to practise? I'm trying very hard to read! Another motivation to revise ;)

coboypb said...

I'm starting to forget a lot of what I've learnt. Have to check 辞書 (dictionary) to confirm. Without the weekly lessons, I have been using the free time to do other things
but Jap. Hee.

Agy said...

Good way to practise your Japanese! Love the container.