Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 years of friendship

Last evening, I met my friend of 20 years and her little boy. It was her birthday on Friday and we bought some food as takeaway for dinner in the hotel room she booked to stay last night.

Before dinner we checked out the pool and took photos of the beautiful sky and clouds.

It's easy to be distracted or get busy with work and commitments, but I'm glad that my friend and I have been keeping in touch even though we went to different schools and we have different interests. Last Dec, we took a short trip to Taipei with her son. It was fun and we have good memories. This Dec, we'll be making a trip to Taiwan again and another good old friend will join us.

1 comment:

simplypeaceable said...

wow, time flies doesn't it? And it's not easy to have keep a fren in close contact for so long! :) Good to have such friends you know you can count on and enjoy your holidays with.