Monday, November 02, 2009

The odd 1 in the family :)

That was what Mom smilingly said earlier and I told her that I'm the normal 1 while the rest of them are weird :P

Guess I'm quite strange for being nonchalant about being single, sleeping with Bob, unusual taste for certain food, not satisfied with my job, always trying to keep myself occupied, sudden interest in learning Japanese after more than a decade, having different kind of friends, being stubborn and refusing to listen to advice as I want to learn from the experience before agreeing with my advisers, treating my parents like friends and lecturing them, etc. Dad said I seem to want to do things differently from others. Hmm. Guess it's what makes me tick, and it's my way of trying to find happiness or this inner peace :)


imp said...

do what makes you happy!

Anonymous said...

I think you & your blog are great! Keep up the good work! I've been reading for a year now, and have noted you always strive for positivity in your life. Of course I love the cat photos because I, too am a cat lover. The food - just looks too yummy! Don't fret about being single. Enjoy living your life on your terms. It would be far worse to put up with lousy behavior from a creep, just because you didn't wish to be alone. Too many women allow themselves to be degraded in the name of "love". Just keep working on yourself. You will meet someone who is right for you someday. DON"T CHANGE A THING! Good luck to you.

- Laura in Las Vegas

coboypb said...

Imp - I try to do that whenever I can :)

Laura - Thanks for reading & dropping a note :) I try to be positive most of the time as it's easy for negavity, sadness and anger, etc to take control, but life is too short and beautiful for that. I think if I'm happy/positive, family and friends around me will be happy/positive too :) All the bestto you too.