Sunday, August 23, 2009

Veggie dashi soup

Last Sun, I made myself a big bowl of soup, using the Jap dashi (fish stock) and filled with lots of veggies (pumpkin, ginger, spring onions, mushroom, broccoli. tomato) and an egg for lunch. Without adding any oil and just a wee bit of salt (as the dashi is slightly salty), it was a yummy and nutritious meal. It was easy to prepare too - I just need to be in the mood :)


Flying raisin said...

Very wholesome :) I will want to eat something like this for lunch too. The rice stock we got is good and effortless.

Dawn said...

Looks good - I use a miso stock for a lot of my soups!

sweeteepye said...

ingredients look so pretty. prettier without cooking - should make it into a salad. ;p Did you get the stock from the isetan supermarket?

Anonymous said...

i love dashi stock too! use it to make healthy 'omelettes' with onions, pepper and tomatoes or mushrooms. usually end up with this HUGE cloud of egg that i can place on top of my rice. yummy! = )
thanks for the reminder.. time to dig out my dashi again!

coboypb said...

Dawn - I should get some miso the next time too.

sweeteepye - Yes, you can get it from that supermarket. Will still need to steam the pumpkin to make the salad. I wanted something hot and soupy :) and the dashi stock will expire something before end of the year.

Anonymous - I like to make such healthy omelettes too to eat on its own or with bread.