Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Feeling better after a cry

I came home after work, feeling hungry, tired, stuffy nose and with a headache. While eating my dinner halfway, I just cried. For myself. For not being able to rest because of all the work deadlines and follow-ups. I felt miserable. But strangely after the brief crying, i washed my face and could think clearer. I went into my room to check on Bob and he bit me on my arm, probably because I touched him on the wrong place. I was not angry with him. I sat there in the dimly lit room and just looked at him, stroked him. I decided to go downstairs and joined Mom and Dad to feed the community cats. The breeze and fresh air felt good. My headache had disappeared and I told them crying was healing. I guess sometimes I just need to let go and move on :)


Jinny said...

hope that you are ok now :) go give yourself some treats this weekend, like a massage or a piece of cheese cake :)

horus said...

Hope you're feeling better now. :)

coboypb said...

Thanks, girls. I'm ok already :) Things start looking brighter. Nose less stuffy and throat less itchy. A meeting has been canceled tomorrow afternoon, so saved me the trouble of doing all the logistic arrangement and give some free time to do other work. Looking forward to the weekend :)

Dawn said...

Poor girl! Hope things are looking up.

Nausicaa said...

hey dear, sorry to hear that you've been so down! I hope you fully recover soon. And just to let you know, if you ever need more than the kitties, I'm here! :)

coboypb said...

Thanks, Dawn & Nausicaa. I'm feeling happy that the weekend is coming. Today I am in a good mood. Another assignment was canceled, so it gave me time to do my Jap homework during lunchtime and I could give my full attention during class. Also other than my slightly stuffy nose, I feel like my old chirpy self :) Yay!

Nausicaa said...

that is VERY good to hear. :) :)