Saturday, September 09, 2006

Interesting week

This week has been interesting and good so far because I manage to catch up with a number of friends over lunch and dinner. kuro.shiro.neko just linked me up to a friend she introduced me in Tokyo, so I will have another friend to chat with online :)

This explains why I haven't had the time to continue blogging about the Japan trip. Yes, there are some more photos and stories to tell!

I will be attending the TNRM workshop that Cat Welfare Society is organising at SMU tomorrow at 3pm. After that, I will be meeting Joan for a dinner and will be watching the Forbidden City with her for free.

I am thinking of going shopping on Sunday as I find my wardrobe sadly lacking of plain pants and skirts for work. I may need to stay at home and finish some work that is due early next week. It seems like I have many things I want to do. I think that is one of the interesting aspects of life - I look forward to how I can spend my time alone, with friends or family :)

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