Sunday, September 17, 2006

The quick passing of time

Mum, sis and I were telling each other a few times yesterday that time really flies. It's already mid Sep and soon before we know it, it will be end 2006. I then reviewed what I have done over the past several months. Am I doing enough to enrich my life? Should I take up taichi and piano again? Do I have enough time to do what I would like to do? Am I too greedy? Have I been managing my time well? These questions are what I always ask myself. Each time I either give myself a headache or I start to act on one of them but lose steam after a while. But isn't this what life is all about? To question, wonder, experience, do, enjoy and feel the joy, frustration, sadness, disappointment of life. I think as long as I feel happy with what I have been doing, I am on the right track :)


Agatha said...

Just take life easy :-)

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling... at the end of the year, its always the same: what have i done so far that I can look back and say, I did it? sigh...

to make matters worse, my 2 boys just turned 9 last Wednesday. How long more can they live? Already they are showing changes in behaviour, by being more manja and slow. really worried I won't have much time with them... on the bright side, I've loved them and given them a home for 9 years!

So don't worry, your life has been enriched by the love you've given and received from the cats around your home. I'm sure Bush, White Neck and gang loves you for it. :)