Monday, August 01, 2011

A taste of my driving

After passing my test on Wed, Dad let me try driving his weekend car that evening around the carpark. Last night we went a little further outside of the carpark around the estate. This afternoon, I drove Dad, Mom and Sis to Defu Lane for roti prata lunch.

Next stop was Pet Megamart to check the pet supplies but we didn't get anything. The ride to Sunset way was quite scary at times but luckily I managed to slow down in time or change lanes safely at the expressway. I treated them ice cream at Daily Scoop to calm their nerves :p

The ride back home was no less nerve racking but I got all of us safely home. It was a good experience. I still need to get used to this bigger Toyota Altis (compared to the driving school's Toyota Vios). I feel that I have more control with a manual car as compared to Dad's auto car. My parking is lousy and my reactions are a bit slow sometimes, but I guess it's a matter of practice.

I think Mom and Sis are a little bit scared now to sit in the car when I'm driving, but they are still supportive and think I will improve with practice. Dad has been patiently guiding me in driving his car safely. He also knows the way around Singapore pretty well, so he can let me know in advance where to go. Hopefully I will be a good and safe driver soon :)

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