On Mon's late night, I had diarrhoea and puked. I thought sleeping for long hours till noon yesterday, I would be well. However, I felt chilled and while resting at the sofa, my limbs went numbed and I quickly called mom that I felt weird. For a moment, I thought I was dying. Mom panicked and cried as I looked pale and my fingers curled up and were cold. I calmly told her to call for ambulance. But after she called, my numbness slowly subsided and I asked her to call again to cancel the ambulance service. She quickly called Dad (who was driving his cab) to come home and bring me to see a doctor.
At the clinic, the doctor recommended me going to A&E to go for blood test and drip. So with his letter, Dad dropped me and Mom at Mt Alvernia while we waited for my turn to see the doctor. The doctor asked me why my GP sent me down. He didn't think my condition was serious and said the numbness could be caused by me panicking and lack of oxygen in my system - this could be resolved by breathing deeply (which was what I did) I asked him whether my symptoms are due to food poisoning. He said probably. He prescribed me medicine for my diarrhoea, vomiting, satchets of salt and good bacteria. Mom told me that she was really scared this morning.
Last night, I puked again and still have diarrhoea but I feel better enough to sms my friends who had lunch with me on Mon as I suspected that could be when I got food poisoned. Today, I had 2 toast for breakfast and porridge with steamed pork and veggies for lunch. My aunt is giving us a dinner treat at Soup Restaurant later. I would probably join them if I'm in the mood.
Sis asked why I only sms her about my experience when we were leaving the hospital. Guess all of us were wondering what was wrong with me and we didn't want to worry her until we found out the reason.
The sensation of being immobile is really frightening and I had to calmly tell mom what to do (make phone calls, look for my IC in my wallet), after seeing mom crying in front of me and rubbing my fingers to warm them, even though I felt very scared myself. Luckily, it was nothing serious. But it makes me think that when I'm ill or die, many things become unimportant. I must learn to prioritise what's important and not regret when I can no longer do anything about it.