Saturday, December 26, 2009

How I spent my Christmas eve and day :>

Christmas eve
I was busy clearing some work so that I could go for my short trip in Perth tomorrow. A few good friends and I went to Nutrihub Organic Fusion Cafe for healthy yummy ramen/noodles before we parted ways. Along the way we noticed a few girls wearing cute little Santa hat on their hair. My friend and I saw a man with a basket, selling them at $5 each for charity. My friend got 2 and gave 1 to me.

I was wearing it yesterday and today at home :)

I arranged the top of my cabinet for a more Christmassy look.

Mom cooked simple dinner and the colour of the dishes looked similar. Hee. They were yummy, so we didn't mind.

We fed the community cats as usual. I had a short rest at home before I met a good friend downstairs to give her a gift while she gave me this huge raisin cranberry bread. It actually tastes like a soft cookie. I broke half of it into smaller pieces while I kept the rest in the freezer.

I have 2 friends @ work who gave me some sweets/choc and home-made gingerbread couple.

Sis asked if I wanted to see her gift for me or wait till Christmas Day. I couldn't wait :) She got me this big bag with cute cat prints. I can use it to carry my stuff when I go for my Jap lessons.

I admired the other cat gifts from my friends.

Christmas Day
After feeding the cats in the morning, I decided to finish up the remaining stalks of lemongrass in the fridge and make my favorite drink. Mom helped me to smash the ginger slices, so that we could get more spicy ginger taste in the drink. It worked :)

Sis recently got herself a Lomo Holga. She took 2 photos of me with Mom and Angel separately. Look forward to see how the photos will turn out.

I also set myself an ambitious task of cooking dinner. I baked cornflake chicken and fish. Mom helped to cook the potato carrot tomato soup, using the slow cooker (I helped to cut the veggies). The broccoli dish was prepared by Mom. The food was quite a lot, so we had to keep some rice, a bit of soup and one piece of fish. Glad that everyone enjoyed the food :)

Okay, I need to sleep soon as I have a 9am flight to Perth to catch :)


sweeteepye said...

when u get ur own plce, pls invite me to see your cat stuff collection! :) I'm sure it's growing massive. I'll add to it when I can. hahahah

JerL said...

Just realised that you're in Perth right now as I am typing this and reading your blog! Have an enjoyable trip and let's catch up when you're back!

coboypb said...

Yep, catch up with you girls when I'm back :)