Friday, June 22, 2007

Mummy's birthday

A good reason for me to be on leave today. A few friends asked where I would be going and I told them I'm staying at home :) Other than feeding our community cats with mum this morning and evening, I was at home with sis and mum -
playing with Angel, bathing her,

watching her play, acting like a vampire, scolding her or distracting her when she tried to bite us, checking emails,

watching my family watching draggy Taiwanese drama series,
watching Angel sleeping (the cute mushroom cushion is from sis) and

preparing Swedish meatballs (from Ikea) for dinner.

I should plan more of such "holidays" to recharge myself and spend quality time with my family and the cats :)


kuro.shiro.neko said...

happy belated birthday, coboypb's mum!

KXBC said...

Just a couple of weeks ago, Angel was the size of the stuffed tiger and now, she is so much bigger.

Her eyes are starting to turn amber. :)

coboypb said...

kuro.shiro.neko: Thanks!

kxbc: Yup, Angel is growing up fast :)

Nausicaa said...

Nothing wrong with staying at home, but guess most people ask that cos sometimes leave is for things that we normally don't/aren't able to do on a weekday and some people really don't have much leave, esp in private sector so it takes something big and serious before they take leave, or holidays. :) I think it's a good idea to wind/slow down if it's a possible. It can help to "detox". ;p

coboypb said...

my friends/colleagues who asked me the questions are from public sector and I think they ask me that question because I used to take leave to go out with friends or family but now that we have a kitten at home, we want to spend time with her. They do understand when I told them I want to spend time at home with my family as they do take leave for the same purpose too at times. Guess maybe they thought a single like me will be out shopping instead of staying at home :)

Anonymous said...

how old is angel now? is she 2 mths yet?

coboypb said...

Angel was found at the void deck of our block on 11 May 2007. If we count that as day 1 of her life, she's about 6 weeks old.