Thursday, February 09, 2006

1st time carrying a community cat

I just did that an hour ago. Fat Cat was resting on the wet ground at the park and after feeding all the 5 cats, Mum suggested I should carry Fat Cat back to his old sleeping quarters at the void deck opposite my block. Fat Cat nowadays has been hanging around the park instead outside the ground level of the block.

I gently stroked Fat Cat and talked to him before I attempted to wrap my hands and arms around his belly gently. He was quite heavy and I had to stop twice before we reached the sides of the block. We figured that at least putting him near the block could help him get to shelter faster when it rained suddenly.

I would need to find a more comfortable way of carrying him the next time. Hee. Luckily Fat Cat still rubbed his body near me when I put him down and didn't treat me as an enemy.

1 comment:

jennifer_yq said...

hi, u can hold his body with one hand and support his bottom with the other hand but be careful of his claws , this way, he will be more comfortable.

In my place, there is one community cat that allow me to carry her like a baby..u know, how baby is sweet.but normally cats do not enjoy to be hug like a baby unlike they are carry this way while they are still a kitten like my current kitten, DD.