Sunday, August 14, 2005

Weekend dinners

I have been staying home this weekend to catch up with reading and also partly due to on and off dull headache. Sis jokingly said it's due to stress about my new work. Haha. Anyway, my solutions were to sleep more, nap in the afternoon and eat small frequent meals. I stubbornly refused to take any panadol.

Yesterday, mum and dad cooked dinner and we 3 had beansprouts with toufu, chicken meat with celery and carrots and omelette with crabstick. Every bite was yummy and I felt very happy to be eating with my parents.

For dinner this evening, I decided to cook and stir fry some udon, beef slices (marinated with minced garlic, ginger, light soya sauce and sambal chilli), shitake mushroom, caixin together. I haven't cooked for quite some time and I'm very happy with the smell and taste of my dish :)

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