Sunday, April 11, 2010

My room-mate and my pillow

My room-mate will just happily sleep on my pillow without leaving a space for my head. I'll then try to find a space in between his legs against his tummy :)


Anonymous said...

Ahhh... the 'perils' of being owned by a cat...heheh

horus said...

Happens to me too, but sometimes i get to the pillow first. Then Horus gets grouchy and will walk over my head while searching for a remaining comfy spot, and i'll end up with his tummy over my head... :P

jennifer_yq said...

Bob looked rounder, has he grow fat? I also share bed with one cat but she is smart enought to only sleep at the Ikea pillow sister bought for her.

coboypb said...

Yep, Jennifer, Bob has grown fatter :)