Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oreo doing well

Someone has asked recently about Oreo, so this morning I took a few photos of him after feeding him breakfast. His fur is longer and poofy, so I have been trying to trim his fur on weekends' mornings. I hope I don't have to send him for grooming since it's not good for Oreo to be under general anasthesia on a half yearly or annual basis. But I can only do the trimming when Oreo is busy eating and be careful not to get scratched by him. A few other residents also will feed him occasionally. However, with the recent rainy season, his "fans" have stopped visiting him. Oreo still has me and parents who will faithfully see and feed him rain or shine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, glad that little Oreo still looking and doing fine.